Vain Communication

Scripture Reading - 2 Timothy 2:15-16 KJV

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.
16 But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

When studying the subject of “Vain Communication” it was easy to find some scripture references. The Holy Bible gives many warnings about “Vain Communication” in the Old and New Testament. Generally speaking when a person is speaking “vain words” they are creating “vanity”. The world is full of vanity today because there are so many ungodly conversations going on all the time. You could pick almost any form of media and it would be biased toward “vanity”. The all-inclusive definition of “vain communication” is all words (and thoughts included) outside of or apart from God. The more detailed definition of the word “vain” means having no real value, idle, worthless, foolish, silly, non-purposeful, superficial, ineffective and futile. This is a fact of the Kingdom of God that if your conversations are not in line with God’s Heart you are causing more damage to God’s Kingdom then what you probably realize. You, see my faith friend, Satan comes to create distractions. The evil one delights in deception so he does mind if you have plenty of options to choose from. Therefore, instead of keeping the thoughts coming to your mind in a singular fashion upon God he (the devil) will do anything he can to either have you think thoughts contrary to God or think thoughts that are “idle”. This “idleness of thoughts” is exactly what causes the manifestation of “vain communication”. “Vain Communication” includes foolish talking and empty words spoken outside of God’s Love which in turn increases confusion and division (more ungodliness). Every time you speak you are creating something, God forbid that you are constantly speaking (blowing out) hot air (vanity). Hot air is comforting to no one it is the cool breeze of God’s Wind (His Holy Spirit) that refreshes the soul (restores and renews the mind). Yes, many people speak consistently about themselves, so their words are helping no one. Yes, personal testimonies are good if they glorify God but useless discussions about what you think or what you were taught on things that only project your knowledge is “vain communication”. This type of useless babble is pointless, some people just simply like to hear their own selves speak. A heart full of pride will always boast itself strong but who really is benefited? We know it is not God! Let us measure our thoughts before spewing out silly and nonsensical words. We (ihlcc) are not stating that every Christian should only speak about the words of God found in the Holy Bible but we are rather stating speak words that help and encourage others. Word’s are powerful when you help someone understand algebra you are being a blessing. When you help someone at work with a project that is God’s will. When you exchange good (profitable, useful, fruitful, etc…) words with other people there is always mutual benefit. However, when you are full of “vain thoughts” the only words that will come out of your mouth are “vain communications”. The poison of these types of conversations is that they often mingle in some irreverence’s of God. If people only understood that when they openly speak negatively about others they are condemning God’s beloved children and the Lord Himself because all Christians are the Body of Christ. So be wise dear child of God avoid (shun, discourage) “vain communication” by always purposing to produce powerful (useful, edifying, healing, comforting, strengthening, positive, etc…) words so you can speak as the oracles of God. Remember, Jesus didn’t practice religion He created life with His Powerful Communication. Amen!